School of Architecture
Digital Fabrication Lab
UPDATES HOURS - see the revised Hours tab for more information
There has been a very large percentage of students cutting over the past few weeks who have come in unprepared to:
PAY for cuts via the Debit Dawg. Please make sure that you have adequate and available funds on your Debit Dawg PRIOR to coming in to cut. You can put money on the Debit Dawg via the SIU ONLINE system. See the "Costs" tab for direct links to this service.
To cut; (file not "clean," file not scaled properly, and/or file not broken down to enable cutting on multiple pieces of material. Laser cut time is for CUTTING only. The DFL staff do not have time to fix layers, scale and/or break up drawings within the 15 min. of cut time allocated. If you require assistance with these items you will need to schedule time with faculty supervisor Laura Morthland, graduate assistant Logan McBee or one of the DFL staff IF they have time and are open to assisting you.
Repeat offenders risk loosing the DFL cutting privilege if this practice of coming in unprepared and/or expecting DFL staff to assist with hours of "help" (that goes well beyond their volunteer or paid hours) continues.
For the most up-to-date hours; check out the HOURS PAGE.
For questions please contact faculty supervisor Laura Morthland (laurab@siu.edu)
A: Consider the S.A.M. LAB
S.A.M. Lab is the School of Art and Design's Subtractive and Additive Maker Laboratory located in Pulliam Design Wing room 51. The SAM Lab provides access to 3D printing, laser cutting, vinyl cutting, large format vinyl cutting and plotting, desktop 2 axis CNC, VR/MR prototyping, Arduino prototyping equipment, plastic granulator, filament extruder, and other rapid prototyping tools.